Wout van Gils Levenslang vogelliefhebber.
Wout van Gils : Levenslang liefhebber van kanarievogels . E-Mail wout van Gils wout@woutvangils.be Uit info blad Zooeasy ,en maandblad Vogelvreugd AoB December 2004.
Wout van Gils : Levenslang liefhebber van kanarievogels . E-Mail wout van Gils wout@woutvangils.be Uit info blad Zooeasy ,en maandblad Vogelvreugd AoB December 2004.
Contact met Wout van Gils. Beste vogelvrienden, Met dit kort schrijven wil ik me even aan jul… This is a premium article.
DE ROOD INTENSIEF. wout van Gils. Moet een diep, zuivere en egale rode kleur bezitten. Normaal intensief, zonder schimmelsporen. Goed do… This is a premium
BROEDKALENDER van Door Peters. Tabel werkt als volgt: eieren worden bv terug gegeven 27 Maart dwz dat op volgende lijn onder 27 Maart staat
De albino. De albino op bijgaande foto is redelijk goed van vorm al moet opgemerkt worden de lichte nekinval, zeker op de bevedering is
Beste Vogelvrienden, Via onderstaande tekst zou ik jullie aan onze Spaanse zanger willen voorstellen. De Timbrado is een zangkanarie die duidelijk verschilt van de Waterslager
Rode kanarievogel met rode hoorndelen ,wie weet er nog iets meer over ???? Daar ik er al wel enige tijd al van gehoord heb
Wout van Gils : Levenslang liefhebber van kanarievogels . Uit info blad Zooeasy ,en maandblad Vogelvreugd AoB December 2004. Als jongen van acht maakte hij
Konyx Kanarie © Stef. Smeets. Weer iets nieuws aan de sterrenhemel zal men zeggen,en dat is ook zo, maar zolang wij vogels kweken zal
Kanarie ( Albino ) met Zwart en Rood oog !!!!! Kweek resultaat W.v.Gils… Op 20 mei 2009 deed ik nest controle ,van de vier
Hoe kan ik mijn vogels afhelpen van bloedluizen? De vogelmijt, in de volksmond ook wel ‘bloedluis’ genoemd, komt in het algemeen
De waarheid over zwarte stip. · Een nachtmerrie voor elke geaarde kanariekweker die er mee te maken krijgt!Een fenomeen waarmee ik ongeveer 30 jaar geleden
Uitwerpselen een aanduiding van ziekten Ingezonden. Een regelmatig onderzoek van de fecale [lees uitwerpselen ]kan veel onheil voorkomen.Er zitten immers al te vaak besmettingen
Een gesel voor onze kanaries – de bloedluis. Alain louage. De naam “bloedluis” is gebrand in het geheugen van onze liefhebbers maar deze naam is
ZIEKTEN VAN VOGELS. Ingezonden. Om een zieke vogel te herkennen moet men eerst weten hoe een gezonde vogel zich gedraagt. Afwijkend gedrag hoeft niet altijd
Van waar de urucum ????: Brazilië brengt een nieuwe mutatie in, men noemt hem “de Urucum”. Urucum staat voor “roodsnavel”. De Urucum is een Braziliaanse
Deep Information on Acidifying Drinking Water You can do something extra for the health of your birds by acidifying their drinking water. Many bird enthusiasts
Article can not be translated into English. … This is a premium article. Only available after you bought
Latest Update on Canary Vaccine, by Constant van Santen Recently, I contacted to inquire about when the latest production of Poulvac P Canary will be
News Vaccination. Dear all, In recent times, we have once again been in contact with Pfizer, the registration holder in the Netherlands, regarding the Canary
Causes: Ornithosis. (submitted) The most well-known and prevalent disease in pigeons is ornithosis, which literally means ‘bird disease.’ This disease has been known for a
The Eggs. Thanks to Mr. Albrechts. Normally, a bird lays one egg per day, and the incubation begins once the last egg is laid. The
Bio Rhythm In response to your letter, Mr. J.P.M Graafmans, I would like to provide feedback on the points you raised. Firstly, congratulations on introducing
Bernard Reinen (Nieuw-Zeeland) 31-08-2012 Ontvangen. Heeft onlangs onze goede vriend Wout van Gils in België bezocht. Wout is een man die al zijn energie,
The Konyx, a new color not yet recognized in our color canaries The combination of different factors and/or mutations in one bird has been happening
Grades in Spangle and Intensive. Strong Intensive: Bright deep color, small stature (compared to an equally sized spangle bird), sparse feathering with usually open
Check the droppings too…(submitted) It is highly recommended for every bird owner to regularly inspect the droppings of the bird(s). Changes in the pattern or
Here you will find a list of plants that are toxic to our birds. This list is sourced from the monthly magazine of the Parakeet
Raising Red Canaries – Submitted Article For raising red canaries, I’m sharing an article: take a pot of 500 grams XXX Red Intensive and mix
The Tracheal Mite and More The mite, Oternostoma tracheacolum, occurs in various bird species and establishes itself in the trachea and air sacs, causing respiratory
Green Feed: Stay Vigilant, Use it Sparingly Much has been written in avian science about green feed. One thing is certain: many birds love green
Exploration of a new mutation named ‘BERYL’ During a visit to the Diamond Bird Show at the new events hall ‘De Populier’ in Zandhoven (B)
Influence of Light on Birds European birds, including our tame domesticated canaries in all their colors and forms, are strongly tied to the seasons. Many
How to Prepare Canary Birds for Exhibitions. I refer to an article I wrote quite some time ago (‘t Geelgorsje of Jan-Feb 2007), in which
A very effective remedy for BLACK SPOT in canaries. PART 2 By: In an earlier article that I wrote around the year 2000, I would
Trichomoniasis in canaries has unfortunately been occurring more frequently lately, and breeders must pay closer attention, as many breeders claim it is also contagious.
Research Findings in Breeding Canaries (Courtesy Wout van Gils) The hen imparts increasing amounts of testosterone to her eggs in the order they are laid.
Quirk with Italian Cobalt! This time, I encountered a different issue last summer. I paired a black cobalt yellow with another black cobalt yellow and
Quarzo New Mutation? (Phenotype) French and friends, I also own a black quarzo for some analyses (see images above). Let’s consider it simply as another
Making Leg Rings Yourself: At many bird product suppliers, you can buy the so-called leg rings. However, you can also easily make them yourself. Purchase
Early Breeding It is entirely possible to influence the breeding drive of birds, especially for the “early” breeder who often starts breeding in December. It
Submitted Dear Wout, I also noticed the presence of the “black spot” in nestlings just a few days old on 01/02/2013. One chick after another
If you had given tylan, your birds would not have died! Read on! Many enthusiasts in Southern European countries have long struggled with the Black
Here is the translated text: Black Lice in Canaries – Ornithonyssus bursa (Berlese) (Leiognathus 1888) Black lice in our canaries, Ornithonyssus bursa (Berlese), also known
What you encounter during the molting period. Once a year, the canary changes its feather coat, and this happens during molting. In the first year,
Latest ‘Mutant’ in the Brown Series (Brazilian origin) – The MOGNO (Mahogany) – See report. From Opal, through Quarzo, to Mogno? When Darwin discovered that
Research on cigarette butts in bird nests. It’s not only humans who enjoy cigarettes; birds living in urban areas often use cigarettes, or rather, the
It was a close call for all measures against red mites to be banned. Fortunately, the government realized in time that this was not the
It is highly advisable for every bird owner to regularly examine the droppings of the bird(s). Changes in the defecation pattern or in the droppings
How do birds reproduce? I have often observed birds seemingly courting each other, but do they also mate, and if so, how do they go
Stainless Steel Grilles in Breeding Cages: While stainless steel grilles and cage fronts are no longer considered a novelty, they are gaining increasing acceptance. Although
Wood pigeons and birds of prey are falling dead from the sky – Trichomonas Since the end of the year, the disease trichomonas has been
Inheritance There is often something written about inheritance in many books, yet it remains a challenging subject for many people. On this site, we
The following series of articles from our friend from Belgium is particularly relevant for our fans at this time of the year. Wout van Gils’s
Recognizing the Gender: Male and Female. For many canary breeders, it is usually quite easy to recognize the gender. Often, the color or inheritance already
Dear Wout, I read your message about the lumps in canaries on the internet. As a novice aviary keeper, I likely purchased a canary with
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